Phone: 951-237-5996

Social Media Management

We will be happy to manage your social media accounts for you. The big three are Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. These are the most important ones for search engine optimization. We will engage with the social media sphere and post content that will get people interested, bring positive attention to your business, and improve your results in search engine ranking. If you have anything you want to share on social media, such as pictures or special deals, you can login and post yourself, or email us what you want to post and we'll do it for you.


In addition to posts, at least twice a year, we will engage with others through your social media accounts. We will like and follow those that have liked and followed you. We will follow our special system of engagement on social media that will gain you followers and customers.  We will also like, favorite, plus, retweet, and share various posts in a way that will indicate to the search engines that you have an active social media account, which will in turn help your ranking in the search engine results.


For most businesses we serve, 6 posts for $5 is a good deal.  6 posts per month plus interactions should be enough to make your local business more active than 95% of the businesses in your industry.


To sign up for our social media management program, contact us.  We will begin posting and engaging on your behalf.


No setup fee. No cancellation fee. Cancel anytime.


951-237-5996     ◆

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